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1. What is 3D casting?

Your little one's hand or foot is placed into the moulding gel for approx 50 seconds until set.  It is then gently removed and comes out clean.  The gel sets to a firm but not hard consistency and little fingers and toes can wriggle until set.  Parents/adults are able to hold their children throughout the process.   Once we have taken the mould, you are free to go home as the rest of the casting process is done later.


2. What age is Body Casting suitable for ?

There is no age limit, however, we would recommend that all babies are at least 4 weeks old.

Life casting suits all ages, from newborn to adults of all ages.


3.Is it safe for my sensitive skin ?

We use chromatic alginate to make all casts. This is completely skin-safe and ideal for baby hand and foot moulds and suitable for all lifecasting work. The formulation we use is dental grade alginate. The final cast is made from plaster of paris, which we pour into the newly created mould. 


4.How long does it take ?

The appointment will take approx 20-60 minutes depending on how many casts are required. The actual moulds take about a minute each to set.


5.How do I keep my child still ?

The simple answer is you don’t have to and that’s ok! It’s absolutely fine for your little one to wiggle around in the mixture as it’s a funny looking and a different texture! As long as hands or feet are fully submerged into the mould we are good to go! If we think a child has moved too much during a casting we will do it again straight after.


6.When will my casting be ready ?


It takes approximately 3-6 weeks for your finished piece to be ready for you. This time can vary for cold casts or glass effect casts.

This time is needed to clean, prepare and paint the casts, fit them into the frames and add the name plate. Once ready we will inform you and the frame can be picked up or delivered depending on your chosen preference. You can always contact us to ask how is going. 


7.How can I display my casting ?

There are various options available. For babies you can have your beautiful bespoke casting displayed in a luxury box frame, which can either be single or with added photo (supplied by yourself), or on a wooden plinth or free standing (most suitable for single hand casts). Frames are suitable for any age. Family castings can either be framed (all ages) or on a wooden plinth. For the linked arms cast, metal hoops are embedded so they can also be hung on your wall. All other casts are free standing or displayed on wooden plinths.


8.What type of clothing do I need to wear ?

Any Clothing is suitable however loose fitting clothes are most suitable so that the sleeves and legs can be rolled up without too much difficulty. You may like to bring a toy for distraction purposes as the baby may feel that the time taken for the 3D casting is extremely long. For older babies and toddlers a snack may be more appropriate as a distraction.

Try not to have anything tight/elasticated around your baby’s wrists/ankles on the day as this can leave indentation marks which can show on the casts.


9.How do we take the 2D impression ?

Our impressions, are taken in a quick and easy way, we simply press your children's hand or foot into a soft terracotta clay and that's their bit done! 

10.Will you travel to my home to get my child’s impressions done ?

We can travel up to 45km radius from our studio for extra charge. 


11.What are the charges ?

For prices please check the Our Prices in the menu. 


12.When do I pay ?

50% is payable at the time of the casting session. The balance is due on collection or delivery.


13.Can I have additional copies of my 3D castings ?

No, unfortunately not. Due to way the alginate casting material needs to be pulled away from the final cast, it’s only possible to produce a single cast from a single mould however we can make multiple copies in cold casting or glass effect. If you need additional plaster copies we need to take multiple moulds in the same time. 

14.Why should I choose TinyBits when I can buy a casting kit and do it myself?

The casting process requires lots of practice, something which can be expensive if you are buying kits.   As a lifecasting specialist, I have experience which helps to ensure that I get a good result. I have read many reviews of home kits which say they are a waste of money.   


15.What if I change my mind and not go ahead with the 3D castings after the mould has been taken ?

We understand that there are times when circumstances change and decisions change as well. However, we have spent time and raw material in getting your order organised. This is a cost that is incurred by our business and it is our business policy to claim it from the deposit that has been paid for the order. So, in such scenario, no refund will be provided from the initial deposit.

1. What is the process of jewellery order?

First of all you have to decide on what type of jewellery design you would like. Choose from fingerprint jewellery, handprint and footprint jewellery or drawing jewellery and then what you would like eg. necklace, bracelets, charms etc.Whatever the age a handprint, footprint, paw print, fingerprint or drawing can all be put onto the shape and style of your choice. Each piece can be individually customised with names, dates or handwriting from a loved one.

2. What is the difference between sterling and fine silver?

Pure silver, also called fine silver, consists of 99.9% silver and .1% trace elements. 

Sterling silver is omprises 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% of other metals, commonly copper, nickel or zinc. 

Pure silver is hypoallergenic and does not irritate skin. However, sometimes sterling silver can contain nickel, which is a common allergen. This can cause irritations, which people then wrongly attribute to the silver. If you have skin sensitivities, inquire about the metals in the alloy prior to purchasing.

3. How Do I take the hand and footprints?


As soon as an order is placed, we will send out a non-toxic, mess free wipe and sensitised paper with full instructions of how to take the hand and footprints.  Return the print to us in the stamped addressed envelope. 

4. How do I take the fingerprint? 

As soon as an order was placed we will send out a fingerprint kit. Fingerprint impression putty is a two- part silicone that is quickly mixed together in order to take a fingerprint.

Your fingerprint kit will include two pots.  One containing a  blue putty and one with a white putty.

The two are mixed together in equal amounts and rolled into a soft ball.

The ball is then placed onto a hard, flat surface where the finger tip is lightly, but firmly pressed onto the surface.  

It is then set to one side where it quickly sets in approximately 15 minutes to produce a permanent mould of your fingerprint.

It is completely skin safe and is suitable for taking the fingerprints of even very young infants.

Although it sets hard, it could be damaged if you were rough with it.  

You should always ensure it is fully set before touching it. Return the print to us in the stamped addressed envelope. 

If you live localy you can visit our studio where we will take the fingerprint. 

5. How Long Will My Order Take?


We like to allow 3 weeks, but as soon as you return the completed prints we commission the piece and allow up to 14 days from receipt of prints. However, if there is a deadline to be met, make this request when ordering. We do our best to accommodate urgent orders.


6. How do I take my pet's paw print?


This is done the same way as the children and adults prints. We will send out the necessary materials with a stamped addressed envelope for a quick return and the rest is left to us.  If you live locally to us, we're based in Mijas Costa another option is to call to us and we can take the print for you.

7. Will my jewellery come in a box ready for giftwrap?


Yes! All our jewellery comes in a gift box.

8. Can you make charms from prints already on paper?


Yes we can. Sadly when people lose their babies and children, or loved ones, hospital staff often take their hand and footprints as a keepsake. Undertakers are also willing to assist where necessary. These prints can often be turned into keepsake charms for mum and dad, when they feel ready to commemorate their precious loved one and create a lasting memento.

9. What is the best age to take a baby's fingerprint ?


We do not recommend fingerprinting infants below the age of 18 months,  as before this, we find that their fingerprints have not fully developed.

Instead of a fingerprint with whorls, loops and arches, you will see a lovely little dimple, but no lines or detail.

Some infants have amazing fingerprints at a much younger age, whereas with some, their print is still not wonderfully clear by two years old or more.

We are able to make handprint and footprint jewellery for people of all ages, including babies from birth.

Handprints and footprints of all sizes can be miniaturised to fit perfectly onto any necklace or charm.

If, when you submit your fingerprints we find that this is the case, we can simply try again at a later date for no additional charge. 

10. Can you use my existing fingerprint, handprint or footprint impressions ?


If you have an existing silicone fingerprint impression from an older piece of jewellery, you can submit it for us to test the print.

Often, the prints are absolutely fine if theyhave kept well.  Sometimes, they may have become damaged and a new impression will need to be taken.  We aim to test all fingerprints within 24 hours of receiving them in the studio.


Existing hand prints and footprints taken in paint, or in other ways are usually fine as long as the impression taken is clear and defined.

We will let you know immediately if the impression is unsuitable.

11. Will my jewellery mark or dent? 


Fine silver is a relatively soft metal, if it is worn everyday, on a charm bracelet with lots of charms or on a key ring, it will mark over time. Regular polishing with a silver cloth will help to keep it looking new. 

12. Are all the Accessories silver?


All accessories are 92.5% silver (sterling silver), whilst our charms are 99.9% silver.

13. Are you able to take any bespoke jewellery orders?


We are always open to ideas and suggestions and even try to design pieces of jewellery. We will let you know whether what you would like or suggest is possible to do. If we don't feel that we can provide you with a beautiful bespoke piece of jewellery then we will be honest with you and decline the opportunity.

14. Will you return my fingerprint, handprint or footprint impressions ?


We are happy return all original fingerprint, handprint, footprint and pawprint impressions to clients who would like them.

We can scan inkless prints and email them back to you if you prefer.

15. Will you store my fingerprint, handprint or footprint impressions? 


We can archive your impressions here for you at your request and will never dispose of them without written permission.

However, all fingerprint, handprint, footprint and paw print impressions will only be kept for a maximum of 12 months.  

After this point, you will be contacted to see if you would like us to return them.

Unfortunately, we are unable to keep impressions on an indefinite basis, as we simply do not have space for so many.

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